Hand hygiene is critical in any environment. Exposure to germs helps to develop a healthy immune system. Our body relies on different types of bacteria within and on our body to play a role in our anatomy’s natural ecosystem. But when those bacteria make their way to areas where they don’t belong, we have a problem, and infection can occur.
When it comes to infection prevention, the FDA reminds us to wash our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent ethanol1. However, what happens when you pick up new germs on your hands between hand washings or sanitizing with alcohol-based sanitizer?
Backed by Research
Several studies have looked at the time that microorganisms can remain on hands. MRSA can remain alive on surfaces for hours to weeks2. E.coli can be viable from hours to months, living in soil for about 130 days, or in river water for 27 days, and on stainless steel, for more than 60 days3. Norovirus can survive for two weeks on surfaces4, and with so many strains and limited immunity to the virus, it can cycle through a group in the same setting rapidly. VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) can live on surfaces anywhere from 5 days to 2 months5.
Even Effective Against Norovirus
These are just a few of the germs that Vytis Shield alcohol-free hand sanitizer kills by 99.99%. What makes VS hand sanitizer unique, is not just that it can kill pathogens like Norovirus, which cannot be killed using an alcohol based hand sanitizer, but it has long lasting persistence in killing those microbes. Third party lab testing performed showed lasting protection ranging from 2 minutes to 24 hours. The solution contains water and aloe, as inactive ingredients, providing a sensitive alternative to harsh cleansers, promoting hand hygiene compliance. The citronella oils present, qualify our hand sanitizer as a natural FDA approved bug repellant, without the toxic chemicals or odors. The solution is so gentle that it can be used as a leave-on facial cleanser (external only).
As you can see, this is not your ordinary hand sanitizer. Whether you are heading to a party, the beach or the office, make sure you are protected with Vytis Shield hand sanitizer. Safe for little hands as well!
