Vytis Shield In Action

Avery Maxim

Hand Hygiene in the Hospital

NOT YOUR ORDINARY HAND SANITIZER Hand hygiene is critical in any environment. Exposure to germs helps to develop a healthy immune system. Our body relies on different types of bacteria within and on our body to play a role in our anatomy's natural ecosystem. But when those bacteria make their way…

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Jennifer Christine

Baltimore’s Excellence in Nursing 2023

We are delighted to reflect upon the recent Excellence in Nursing Awards, where we had the privilege of serving as the Stage Sponsor, hosted by the esteemed Baltimore Magazine. Each year, this prestigious event recognizes the outstanding contributions of hundreds of Baltimore nurses, striving to identify…

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Jennifer Milan


#Springcleaningchallenge With the weather here in Maryland jumping from the 20’s at night to 70’s by day and a forecast of rain and snow in our future, flu season is still upon us.  Children foregoing jackets at recess with the not quite warm weather and holiday weekends gathering with friends,…

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Kathleen Benedick

Salad Prep…You’re Doing it Wrong! Produce Hygiene Matters.

People come in all types. In today’s case, it is the lettuce and produce washers. Some wash immediately upon arrival home from the market while others wait until just before use. Salad aficionados may tear their lettuce or use knives. There is an urban myth out there about metal knives causing browning…

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Kathleen Benedick

Infections that Come from Visiting the Hospital are Preventable

Some Forms of HAIs: Hospital and Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are contracted when microbes invade your body during unrelated medical care. They can arise from several sources. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) can occur when pathogens enter the body through a urinary catheter which cause infection…

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Hospital - Towson, MD

Nursing Ladder Study

OR infection risk is a constant topic of conversation in hospitals. Many OR staff feel that their environment can never be clean enough. Two rising Nurse Leaders took it upon themselves to do a study in their Operating room and Central Sterile Processing to prove their hypothesis that their rooms were…

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Hospital - Arlington, VA

Bioactive Drain Study

The Problem: Prestigious 324 bed metro hospital was experiencing flies in its lobby coffee kiosk and cafeteria self-serve drink station. The issue was becoming a point of tension between the hospital administration, located directly above the coffee shop, and the hospital sub-contractor. The source of…

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Hospital - Mt. Washington, MD

Ventilator Unit Study

The Problem Double occupancy patient rooms represent a challenge for any healthcare facility. Two sets of care givers, and two sets of visitors provide a significant increase in chance of cross contamination of room surfaces. In the case of a ventilator unit, the challenge is multiplied. Many are…

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Infusion Center - Baltimore, MD

Infusion Center Study

Patients enter an Infusion Center seeking medical care in the fight of their lives. The miracles of modern medicine are delivered to these patients in an environment designed to soothe and relieve anxiety. This is the purpose of Vytis Shield, too. We want to create a feeling of peace and wellbeing when…

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Third Party Validation

Vytis Light Shield Coating Studies

Coated surface showed MRSA reduction of 99.98% over 24hrs, per JIS Z 2801:2000 Study Report NG2791-R1 MRSA ReductionAntimicrobial Test Laboratories – 2012 Coated PET surface showed a 99.99% reduction of E. coli within 2 hrs. on overcast day, per EPA 1603 E. Coli ReductionEnvirotech Laboratories…

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